Photo of Me

Hi! I'm

Chou Wei Zhi

from Diploma in Interior Design, currently in Year 2.

I took up this elective EP 1000 Dgital Fabrication as the concept of making a product using design and technology entices me. Also, I try to be diverse in skills I learnt in poly hence I took something abit further from my field of studies. I hope by the end of this elective I will make something unique that can be useful and appreciated by users.

In my free time I like to play the piano and I also recently picked up harmonica. I also enjoy playing badminton and rockclimbing with my friends.


Model making

DID project

We had to make a conceptual bedroom from balsa wood and foamboards for the user that incorporates his 5 rituals



At a concert in 2018

I used to play classicals and baroques, but I stopped having lessons and normally just play pop now



I joined SP Harmonica Enssemble just recently

I'm still learning and just picked up this instrument

rock climbing


I miss being active and going out with friends since the pandemic

If you wanna get muscle aches over your body the next day, you should try climbing ;)


Lets get in touch and talk about your next project.